Jenny Keegan

Trade Editor
Fan studies, Caribbean history, foodways, social justice
225.578.6453 /
Series: The Southern Table | Louisiana True
I'm Louisiana born and bred, and my trade interests reflect that! I focus on Louisiana culture, environment, and history, and I’m looking for knowledgeable authors who can share what they know in a dynamic, approachable writing style.

Food & drink: I’m interested in work that explores southern food and foodways, particularly the food traditions and innovations of southern people of color. What food stories haven’t we heard yet? What stories do we only think we know?

Disasters & the environment: Louisiana life shapes and is shaped by the natural environment, from our rich natural resources to the periodic devastation of hurricanes and other disasters. I acquire books that unpack Louisianians’ complicated relationship with our state’s land and waters and consider how the history of that relationship shapes our future.

Sports: I can see Tiger Stadium from my office window! I’m interested in histories of Louisiana sports, biographies of major figures, and cultural explorations of what sports means to our state and its people.

And everything else: Louisiana culture encompasses so much more than these three areas, and I’m interested in general-interest books that span the range of Louisiana culture: folklore, music, architecture, nature. If you’re not sure your book would interest me, shoot me an email!


Please send your submissions by email to or by regular mail to Jenny Keegan, 328 Johnston Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. Your proposal should include:

Scholarly Acquisitions

I'm interested in acquiring books in fan studies and Caribbean history, as well as books that deal with contemporary social justice and civil rights issues in the South.


Please send your submissions in PDF format to Your proposal should include a cover letter, annotated table of contents, one or more sample chapters, information about competing titles, and a current CV. Please include an estimated total word count (notes and bibliography included) and notes on any proposed illustrations.
