What's This, Bombardier?

What's This, Bombardier? - Cover


by Ryan Flaherty

Lena-Miles Wever Todd Poetry Prize Series, Pleiades Press

72 pages / 6.00 x 9.00 inches / no illustrations


Paperback / 9780807138793 / April 2011

Ryan Flaherty pays particular attention to linguistic slippages and etymologies as he examines the persistent difficulties of language and love in his latest collection, What's This, Bombardier? Alternating between self-deprecating humor and striking images, wry wordplay and a sense of awe at the beauties and absurdities of the world, these poems construct a postmodern play on the foundation of sadness, wonder, and longing. The combination is smart, fun, and ultimately heartbreaking--an exciting, extraordinary debut.

Ryan Flaherty is the recipient of the 2010 PEN /New England Discovery Award for Poetry. He has published two chapbooks, Novas, which won the Boom Chapbook Contest, and Live, from the Delay. His poems have appeared in Boston Review, Ninth Letter, Denver Quarterly, Colorado Review, Columbia, POOL, Conduit, Gulf Coast, and elsewhere. He lives and teaches in New Hampshire.

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