The House of Blue Light

The House of Blue Light - Cover


by David Kirby

Southern Messenger Poets

77 pages / 5.50 x 9.00 inches / no illustrations


Paperback / 9780807126172 / August 2000

The House of Blue Light is the second collection of autobiographical “memory poems” by Catholic-schoolboy-gone-bad-turned-poet-made-good David Kirby, a stand-up comic of verse if ever there was one: “in Stardust Memories . . . these wise space aliens who visit Earth . . . tell [Woody Allen] that if he really wants to serve humanity, / he should tell funnier jokes wait, that's my duty, / I think, that’s my public duty! Because sooner or later, / we all turn upside down.”

Wearing both heart and wit on his sleeve, Kirby confides in longish narrative poems events he actually or vicariously experienced–as a child, a teen, a young man, and now—as well as some future scenes he imagines. Literary theorists Jacques Derrida and Roland Barthes; Little Richard and Muhammed Ali; Herman Melville, James Dickey and Henry James; friends, family, personal heroes, and acquaintances, including the Ah Oui Girl of Paris and Tige Watley’s Whoah of Baton Rouge, are all equally alive in Kirby’s poems. 

David Kirby’s collection The House on Boulevard St.: New and Selected Poems was a finalist for the National Book Award. His honors include fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Guggenheim Foundation. He teaches English at Florida State University.

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