The Horse Show at Midnight and An Afternoon of Pocket Billiards

The Horse Show at Midnight and An Afternoon of Pocket Billiards - Cover


by Henry Taylor

128 pages / 5.50 x 9.00 inches / no illustrations


Paperback / 9780807117637 / April 1992

This collection of twenty-four poems reveals the range and power of a young Southern poet whose work is characterized by a tensile strength and a coldly factual style which beneath the surface carries great passion.

Some of the poems masterfully employ twists of irony; others utilize grotesque, yet real, characters and situations; others are nimble parodies. All of the poems, however, proclaim Taylor’s sensitivity to the rhythms and idioms of everyday speech. All touch the unusual, the comic, the despairing, the hopeful.

These, then, are distinctive poems about man and his condition, informed by reality and by a simple but powerful expression.

Henry Taylor has published eight collections of poems, among them The Flying Change, for which he received the Pulitzer Prize. His other honors include the Michael Braude Award for Light Verse, the Witter Bynner Poetry Prize, the Aiken Taylor Award for Modern American Poetry, and membership in the Fellowship of Southern Writers. He and his wife, fiber artist Mooshe Taylor, live in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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