The Belle Mar

The Belle Mar - Cover


by Katie Bickham

Lena-Miles Wever Todd Poetry Prize Series, Pleiades Press

62 pages / 6.00 x 9.00 inches / no illustrations


Paperback / 9780807160497 / April 2015
Katie Bickham’s poems, set on a Louisiana plantation from 1811 through 2005, speak through the imagined voices of slaves, masters, mistresses, servants, and children. Focused on events that take place in a single room within the plantation home, Belle Mar, she offers an unflinching portrayal of the atrocities that form an undeniable part of Louisiana’s history. The fully rounded characters she evokes allow readers to contemplate the social forces that shaped a slave-holding society and perpetuated injustices long after abolition.
Tell me, Mother, how to remember you,
what name to call you and what to absolve.
Tell me how to live on this land. How
many times must I scour and sun the long line
of our lives until the water runs clean.
—from “Parlor 2012”

Katie Bickham is the author of The Belle Mar, winner of the Lena-Miles Wever Todd Prize. Her work has appeared in Rattle, The Missouri Review, Prairie Schooner, Deep South Magazine, and elsewhere. She is assistant professor of English and creative writing at Bossier Parish Community College.

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